Remote Asset Management

Industrial markets are extremely asset-exhaustive. So it's logical that improving the engagement, administration, and tracking of assets is a key priority in Industry 4.0 with an increasing focus on predictive maintenance.

  • LogicApps MI solutions increase the performance of assets and production efficiency.
  • It reduces asset downtime and asset failure. Thus saving costs including maintenance costs.

Operation expenses come up with a lot of manufacturing costs. With a proper asset management system in place, The high disbursement can be controlled. LogicApps would be consumed with evaluating, tracking, measuring, and monitoring their assets. Without asset tracking, this is highly difficult. This is where saturating digital transformation services matter. Compared to legacy models of asset management, LogicApps asset tracking is cheaper, faster, and better and gives you a competitive advantage.

4 key features of best asset tracking systems include

Asset tracking analytics

Asset tracking analytics lets you keep track of high-value assets, like equipment, tools, and people, in real-time, as well as track their location.

Asset tracking reporting

Asset tracking reporting simply refers to tracking a company's physical assets by scanning barcodes on the assets or by using GPS or RFID tags to broadcast their location.

Asset tracking vigilant

With Asset Tracking Vigilant, you get a clear, high-level overview of the performance of your business's physical spaces, such as office spaces, warehouses, and storage facilities. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the important links in the way these industries use assets to streamline their operations.

Asset reduction tracking

Asset reduction tracking utilizes automatic identification Technologies, such as RFID and barcodes, which are capable of so much more than just helping you locate and inventory your assets. Additionally, these solutions can be used to reduce waste and support lean operations initiatives.

Asset management has a major role to play in Industry 4.0. LogicApps MI solutions use analytics to cover that information with historical data as well as other external data sources to standard against performance indicators. This allows them to send alerts before the issues take place. Assets furnished with machine learning algorithms can enumerate possible conclusions for the future. It also leads to higher equipment uptimes, which results in better usage of assets and overall production capacity. The potential to manage assets efficiently results in reduced maintenance costs and a stunning ROI.

More than 65% of manufacturers have started to implement IoT asset tracking solutions. to improve asset ROI. LogicApps transform the process now with the next- generation IoT solution.